Roasted Watermelon Radishes

From Sarah Voiland, 2011: A great simple recipe recommended to me by a winter farmers’ market customer. I found out about this just as we were running out of these radishes for the year, and I was so sad – to have to wait a whole summer before eating it again!

watermelon radishWatermelon radishes, cut into wedges
Olive oil to coat
A drizzle of maple syrup to coat

Preheat oven to 400 degrees F. Cut your radishes into wedges, six or so per large radish, fewer if smaller, aiming for consistent size. It’s pretty to keep a little bit of tail on each wedge. Toss in olive oil, maple syrup, salt and pepper. Spread on a baking pan in a single layer. Cover with foil and put in oven. The foil will protect them while they soften. After about 20 minutes, when they are soft, take the foil off and let them brown a bit before taking out to serve. Taste and add more salt if needed.
They’re great on their own, or cold on a salad too! You can do this with other radishes, though black radishes might be a bit spicy.


Radish | Sides