
popcornThe Basics

Our organic popcorn has great flavor and texture. We harvest the cobs in late summer and let them dry naturally in our greenhouses. We sell some popcorn on the cob, and also jars of kernels.

Cooking Tips

To pop popcorn on the stovetop, rub the kernels off the cob and into a bowl. Heat a tablespoon or so of high-temperature oil, like canola, coconut or corn oil, on high in the bottom of a saucepan. Put in your kernels and cover: usually a layer of kernels on the bottom of the pan is a good amount per batch It’s okay if a little chaff gets in too. When they start to pop, start shaking the pan a bit on the heat to keep popped kernels from burning on the bottom. When popping slows, remove the pan from heat and transfer popcorn to a big bowl or paper bag.

To pop in a microwave, place the cob in a lunch-sized paper bag and heat for approx. 2 1/2 minutes or until popping slows. It’s better to err on the side of underdone rather than burnt!

We like a dash of olive oil, and then nutritional yeast (in place of Parmesan cheese), salt and pepper.

Curry powder, salt and dried dill is also great. Maple syrup, salt and sunflower seeds is yummy too.