Making jam is a great way to preserve berries and other fruit. It’s satisfying to open a homemade jar of jam to use on toast, cakes or muffins. Smells great while cooking and can be canned or kept in the fridge!
Here is a basic recipe plan for making jam from anything:
~Prepare your favorite fruit or berries by washing them and gently shaking to remove excess water. Pare as needed.
~Mash fruit or berries into a pulp with the consistency you like for jam.
~Measure 4 cups of your fruit or berries and place it in a large 4 quart cooking pot.
~Add one package regular pectin (works with sugar) to the cool fruit or berries and bring the mixture to a rolling boil, stirring often so it won’t burn.
~When the mixture is at the boiling stage that can’t be stirred down, add 5 cups of granulated sugar all at once and mix in thoroughly.
~Bring the mixture back to a boil and cook for exactly 2 minutes.
~Remove the pot from the heat and pour the hot mixture into clean jars (sanitized in the dishwasher or by submersing in boiling water for 10 minutes).
You can either refrigerate these for use soon (refrigerated jams last about 3 weeks), freeze them in the jars (lasts 6 months to 1 year in freezer) or can them using the boiling water method for longer preservation (1 year or more).
Recipe from http://www.ehow.com/how_2001469_make-jam.html
For jam with lower sugar, or alternative sweeteners like honey, check out Pomona’s Pectin.
This here stuff is what Sarah uses to make jam, as she likes jam with honey, and not super sweet. This pectin doesn’t require sugar at all to make a jell!
The box contains good basic recipes for jamming with common fruits.
The company is also based out of Greenfield, MA – pretty neat!
Instructions for water-bath canning your jam:
~Sanitize jars in a dishwasher set to the “Sanitize Cycle.” Should a sanitize cycle not be available, wash the jars in soap and hot water, then boil the jars in a large pot for ten minutes. Either way, keep the jars hot until they are ready to be filled with the jelly or jam. The lids to the jars should be kept in a hot water bath until ready for use.
~Fill a water canner pot halfway with water. Bring the water to barely a boil at 180 degrees Fahrenheit. Keep a pot of water at this temperature reserved to the side.
~Fill the jars with jam or jelly to a 1/4 inch from the top. Wipe off any spilled jam or jelly.
~Set the lids on top of each jar and tighten the screw bands into place.
~Lower the jars into the boiling water using a jar grabber. The jars should be covered by at least 2 inches of water. Should additional water be required, use the reserve water set to boil ahead of time. Bring to a full boil at 212 degrees Fahrenheit and let boil for at least 5 minutes but no longer than 10.
~Lift the jars out of the water and place on a dish towel to cool. Allow at least an inch of space between each jar. Leave until cool.
~Press the center of the lid down with a finger or thumb. If it springs back up the jar has not been sealed properly and should be refrigerated for immediate use.
~Store properly sealed jars in a cool, dark place for up to a year.
Instructions from http://www.ehow.com/how_7779030_can-jams-jellies.html