Drying Herbs

Basil, thyme, oregano, parsely…our PYO herb patches are booming and ready to be picked.  Drying herbs is a simple and rewarding way to preserve summer’s bounty.  Looks neat too!  While some herbs like basil can’t be beat fresh, you’ll be happy to have it dried come winter.

Before drying, wash herbs when freshly cut, then pat or spin dry.  To dry, bunch a few sprigs together with a rubber band.  Hang bunches along a string or from a clothes drying rack in a dry place.  Once your herbs are brittle-dry, crumble the leaves off the stems into a bowl, and transfer to whatever herb-storing container you like.  Mason jars work great.  Remember to label them so you don’t forget what’s what!

It takes about one to two weeks drying time, or more for larger leaves. Once they are dry, get herbs into a sealed container soon so their flavor lasts longer.









