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Braising Greens with Raisins, Onions, and Garlic

Posted by: on Feb 20, 2016

From Sarah Voiland, 2013

1 onion, diced
1-2 cloves garlic chopped
1/4 cup raisins
1/2 LB braising greens
salt and pepper to taste
olive oil to cook

Saute onions and raisins in olive oil, add garlic when onions are translucent. Cook one minute. I like to add a dash of sherry vinegar here if I have it. Add the greens, and while they are cooking down add salt and pepper. Cook and stir until greens are wilted or to your liking. Sturdier greens may need to cook a little longer to be tender, add some broth or water to accompany them and cover lightly. When tender, taste and season. Add more olive oil if needed for taste.

Options: bulk it up with diced carrots, turnips, or cooked beans; add a little white wine or vinegar for flavor; top with flakes of parmesan.